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Navigating A New Small Business And What It Looks Like For Me...

In the realm of small businesses, every entrepreneur embarks on a scary journey filled with excitement, challenges, victories and, even failures. It's a path that requires resilience, innovation, consistency, tough skin, hard work and even a little pixie dust! This is actually my first blog. Woot Woot!

My goal is to get to know, you my audience and customer and likewise, introduce myself and my small business, Laine Essentials to you. Also, network with other small businesses for encouragement and support.

My big challenge


That's right, I am calling this part of my life, rebirth! I will explain more in future blogs but for now, I am back, refocused, energetic, I hope smarter and ready to participate in my own life, once again.

Until next time..

Welp, I enjoyed writing this short blog. I will write again soon! I will love to hear your thoughts and feedback as well guys...don't leave me out here alone! lol!

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